Main fields of research and teaching:
Bio-Psico-Sociology of human (deviant) behaviour and development
Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Hypnosis and Integrative Counseling and Psycotherapy
Sexology/Sex Therapy
Criminology (Deviant Behavior in Schools and Juvenile Delinquency, Violence/Violent Behavior, Crime, Human Trafficking, Restorative Justice)
Congresses, Conferences and Symposia:
2005 – Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress on Violence and Society (presented and paper and taught a workshop)
1997 - Congress on Evaluation of Action Against Drug Abuse in Europe, in 1-2 December, Zurich
1997 - International Symposium on “The New Frontiers of Science”, in October, in Oporto (member of the Organizing Commmittee)
1996 - Participation on the Ist International Symposium on “Aquém e Além do Cérebro” (“here and beyond the human brain”)
1995 - Paper on “Local Development via Edu-training: a key to (Global) Development?”, presented at the CIES Annual Conference, in Boston, USA
----- - Participation as a presenter in the Colloquium on “the Role of the Municipalities in the Development of Local Communities, organized by the Municipality of Vieira do Minho
----- - Lecture on “Deviant Behaviour in Organizations” to Hotel Managers in Oporto
1994 - Participation in the Ist International Congress on Developmental Clinical, whose main topic was Times and Places to Grow, organized by the Faculty of of the Univ. of Coimbra, in 28 -29 de Abril
---- - Opening address to the Colloquium on Human Resources Management, on: “Modalities of Organizational Behaviour: Prospective Analysis”
1993 - On “Teachers’ Malaise: Towards an Ecological Aproach”, lecture presented at a public meeting in homage of teachers of Vieira do Minho County, Portugal
---- - Opening Address to the “Ist Portuguese-Galician Meeting on Human Resoruces Management” at the Proum of Maia
1992 – Participation in the Ist Portuguese Congress on Mental Health, at the Forum Maia; in October
1991 – Participation in the Ist International Congress on Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Disorders; at Univ. of Minho; in July
----- - Participation with a paper about Coping Strategies among high school pupils and university students at the Annual Conference of IRTAC (International Roundtable for the Advancemente of Counselling); in ESE of Oporto; in March
---- - Presentation of a “paper” (read by Prof. Alte da Veiga) at the Annual Conference of the Comparative International Education Society (CIES), Pittsburgh, Penn, EUA.
1990 - Participation with a paper at the Annual Conference of CIES, Anaheim, Calif., EUA.
1989 - Participation at the Meeting of Minors and Families Juridiction, organized by Centro de Estudos Judiciários, Lisboa, de 18 a 21 de Janeiro, no Porto.
1988 - Member of the Organizing Comnmittee of the 5th Congress of AIRPE (see infra), in July, at the Univ. of Aveiro
---- - Participation in the “International Symposium of Philosophy of Education”, at the University Autónoma de Barcelona, in 25th of March
---- - Participation in the “First International Conference on Counselling Psychology”, under the general theme: Human Development and Counsellling Psychology, Porto, July15
1987 - Several Lectures to the Teachers Union Members, Central Region, Portugal, on different topics and occasions
----- - Participation in the 1st National Congres on Stress, at the Univ. of Coimbra.
---- - Participation in the 2nd National Congress of Sexology under the auspices of the Portuguese Society of Sexology (Univ. Coimbra).
Professional Training and Practice:
Several both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and workshops in different
models and techniques (member to several professional bodies) (see above):
Clinical Hypnosis and Integrative Brief Psychotherapy: at Milton
Erickson Foundation (USA); Univ. of Salamanca (Spain); Univ. of Coimbra (Portugal); Univ of Sunderland (UK); ISMAI, (Portugal);
Psychoanalisis and Psychodynamic: Theory and practice: under the tutoring and supervision of Ronaldo Schutz, at the Catholic University (Lisbon), Coimbra University (Coimbra), and UCAE (Porto);
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Theory and practice: at UCAE (Oporto), Coimbra University, (Coimbra), Univ. of the West of England ( Bristol, UK);
Rational-Emotive Therapy (Albert Ellis): Theory and practice at Univ. of Minho (Braga);
Couples and Family Therapy (systemic): at Univ. of Salamanca and at Univ. of Coimbra;
Gestalt Therapy: at ISMAI, Portugal
Clinical Neuropsychology: at UCAE (Oporto), ISMAI (Portugal), and Univ. of Salamanca, Spain
Psychoanalitical/psychodynamic, under Ronaldo Schutz (Lisbon, btween 1988-1990) and Eduardo Sá (Coimbra) (ongoing since 1994);
Clinical Hpnosis Brief and Psychotherapy, under Prof. Peter Hawkins (ongoing mostly since 1994)
Clinical Neuropsychology, under Manuel Domingos (S. José Hospital, Lisbon: 1 year); under Jesús Cacho and Ricardo Garcia (Hospital Clínico Universitario, Salamanca, Spain; ongoing since 2002)´
Private Practice (integrative) since 1992 (first under the supervision then in co-counselling with Peter Hawkins, Eduardo Sá, (since 2001, for Clinical Neuropsychology, under Ricardo Garcia, and Jesús Cacho, from Salamanca):
Clinical Neuropsychology/Neurofeedback;
Clinical Hypnosis/hypnotherapy and Integrative Brief Psychotherapy (including psychoanalysis/psychodinamic/humanistic/existentialist/ CBT/interpersonal/psychosocial);
Family therapy, group therapy and psychodrama (in collaboration)
Counselling and psychotherapy (stress, anxiety, depression and burn-out among professionals; educational and family/marital disfunctions)
Universities/Colleges/Institutes/Schools attended and degrees/diplomas/certificates received:
2018 – PhD in Health Sciences/Applied Neuroscences at the University of Camilo José Cela, Madrid, Spain; ongoing;
2017 – EMDR specialization training by GO4 under the auspices of EMDR Portuguese Association; under supervision
------ – Post-graduate training in Psychotherapies and Ericksonian Clinical Hypnsosis, by Jeff Zeig, PhD, under the auspices of the Milton Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, Ariz.
----- Post-graduate training in Clinical Neuropsychology, by Leandro Maloy-Diniz, PhD, et al, (under the áuspices of ILUMINA) (on-line, on-going)
2016-17 – Post-graduate Program in “Strategic Analysis, Geo-economy, and Prospective”; Certificate, having become an Auditor to the National Defense
Institute (IDN), Lisbon.
2013 – PhD student in Criminology at the Univ. Of Gloucestershire, UK, currently working on a PhD dissertation on Juvenile Delinquency;
2012 - Diploma in Cllinical Morphopsycholgy, by the Institute of Morphopsychology of Barcelona; ongoing
2009 - Concluded the Doctoral Programme in Sociology, (“The Information Society: Social Challenges and Instruments of Analysis”) of the Univeristy of Coruña, Spain; as a result he was awarded the Diploma de Estúdios Avanzados (DEA/MAS) en Sociología; PhD program comprised 2 years (1,500 hours, of which 200 contact hours); received at the end of the first year of the programme the title of “expert in Sociology” by the same university; reached “abd” status;
2007 – Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and Stress Management under the auspices of the British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis and the Staffordshire University; in Notingham (ongoing);
2006 - Certificate on CBT Training under the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK (500 hours (20 ECTS), of which 100 contact hours;
2005 – Concluded the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Neuropsychology of the Univeristy of Salamanca, Spain; as a result he was awarded the Diploma de Estúdios Avanzados (DEA/MSc) in Clinical Neuropsychology; PhD program comprised 2 years, 1,500 hours, of which 200 contact hours; received at the end of the first year of the program the title of “expert in Clinical Neuropsycholy” by the same university;
2003 – Specialization course in Sex Therapy under the auspices of the American Board of Sexology, USA;
----- - Workshop (12 contact hours) on Clinical Hypnosis and the Psychobiology of Gene Expression, by Ernest Rossi, PhD, in Madrid, Spain;
2002 – Diploma in Advanced Hipnotherapy, in Madrid (60 hours), Spain, under Doctor Jeffrey Zeig, from the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, Az, USA.
2001 – Diploma in Brief Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis by the European Institute of Psychotherapy, UK;
----- – Started PhD program in Clinical Neuropsychology at the University
of Salamanca, Spain; internship started in 2001 at the Hospital Universitário de Salamanca; PhD dissertation to be submitted in 2008;
2000 – Intensive course in Gestalt Therapy (20 contact hours) by Eleanor O´Leary, PhD.,Cork, Ireland, at ISMAI, Portugal;
----- - Intensive course in Brief Therapy (Milton-Ericksonian approach) (20 contact hours), by Jeff Zeig, PhD., at the Liton Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, USA;
1999 – Specialization course on The Evolving Practice of Brief Therapy & Ericksonian Hypnosis (54 contact hours) under the auspices of the Milton-Erickson Foundation, in London;
----- - Intensive course on Research and Applications in Psychophysiology (8 contact hours) by Profs. Maria Holguin and Luís Carrié, UK, at the Univ. of Minho, Portugal;
----- - Intensive course on Chronobiology/Chronopharmacoloy: Research and Applications (12 contact hours), by Prof. Waterhouse, UK, Univ. of Minho, Portugal;
----- - Specialization course in EEG Biofeedback Training for Professionals (41 contact hours) on “ Psychopathology: The Brain and Nuerofeedback” at the Imperial College, London;
----- - Fundamental Hypnosis Course (20 contact hours), by J. Zeig, M. Yapko, S. Gilligan and E. Rossi under the auspices of the Milton- Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, USA;
----- - Specialization course in Developmental Psychopathology, at the
Colégio Universitário de Altos Estudos (UCAE), Porto, Portugal;
1998 – Diploma in Issues in Health Psychology and Psychotherapy (60 hours); at UCAE, Porto
----- - Specialization course in Developmental Psychopathology, at the
Colégio Universitário de Altos Estudos (UCAE), Porto, Portugal;
1997 - Specialist Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology (100 contact hours);
at UCAE, Oporto; internship of one year (1997) done at S. José
Hospital, Lisbon;
1996 - Workshops in Clinical Psychology by David Zimerman PhD, and A. M.
Rezende PhD, at the University of Coimbra, Portugal;
----- - Post-graduate training course (8 modules, 96 contact hours) in Cognitive
Psychotherapy under the auspices of UCAE and Univ. of Minho,
Porto, Portugal;
----- - Post-graduate course in Psychological Evaluation for Early Entrance
in Elementary School, under the auspices of UCAE and the Univ. of
Minho (96 contact hours)
----- - Specialist Diploma in Psychopathology; at UCAE, Oporto, Portugal;
1995 – Started PhD Programme in Educational Social Psychology (PhD dissertation on “Deviant Behavior Among 10-16 Year Olds” (of Oporto Public Schools) (PhD Dissertation turned in mid2005); (Two semester intensive seminars on the following topics:
“Data gathering and data analysis in the Social and Educational
Sciences”; “Questionnaire design and application”; “Case studies and
ethnographic research”; “Classroom observation”; “Information
technologies applied to scientific research”; at the University of Leicester; Phd dissertation turned in 2007; waiting for the oral exam;
----- - Workshop (12 contact hours) on Sleep Problems by Buela-Casal, PhD,
Univ. of Granada, Spain, at UCAE, Porto, Portugal;
----- - Workshop (12 contact hours) on Humanistic and Experiential
Approaches in Psychotherapy, by Lorne Korman, PhD, of York
Univ., Canada, at UCAE, Porto, Portugal;
------ - Workshop (12 contact hours) on Systematic Tratment Planning by
Larry Beutler, PhD, of Univ. of UCLA, Santa Barbara, USA at UCAE,
Porto, Portugal;
1994 – Intensive course (12 contact hours) on the Test of Zulliger at CAT
Boavista, Porto, Portugal;
1993 – Post-graduate intensive course (36 contact hours) in Sex Education: Content,
Methodology and Techniques, under the auspices of the Family Planning Association (FPA), Porto, Portugal;
------ - Post-graduate intensive course in Consultation and Counseling to Adolescents and Youth, under the auspices of the FPA, Porto, Portugal;
1992 – Specializaion Course in Addictions (1 year, about 300 contact hours);
1992 - 4 –– MSc in Developmental Clinical Psychology at the Univ. of Coimbra,Coimbra, Portugal (concluded the Specialization Course, taught part of the Masters programme, circa 400 contact hours);
------- - Post-graduate course on Sociology of Health, by Profs. George Brown and Elizabeth Davies from the Univ. of London, as well as the teaching staff from Univ. of Lisbon ; at the Hospital of Santa Maria, Lisbon;
1991 - Workshops on Multimodal Therapy: a practical approach to technical eclecticism (12 contact hours) by Windy Dryden, from the Univ. of London, under the auspices of the "Associação de Terapias Comportamental e Cognitiva" and of the "Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia", Lisbon , Portugal;
------ - Workshops on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Rational Emotive
Therapy, by Albert Ellis, from the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, N.York;
1990 – Research Seminars (2 semesters) in the following topics (at the Univ. of Leicester, UK):
Data Collection and Analysis in Social nd Educational Sciences;
Design and Usage of Questionnaires (by Ken Foggelman);
Case Studies and Ethnographic Research (by Mark Lofthouse and Tom Whiteside);
Classroom Observation (by Maurice Galton and Kerry Newman);
Information Technologies for Research Usage (by Jean Underwood);
1989 - (Two semester) Reseach Seminars on School Organization and
Administration, and Curricular Innovation by John Welton, Oxford Poly, UK; visited several schools;
1987 - Seminars on Sex Therapy at Coimbra Univ. Hospital, under the supervision of Judy Greenwood (UK), A. Albuquerque (Port.), F. Lopez Sanchez (Sp),Allen Gomes (Port), and C. Nahoum (Br):
1985 - National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellowship (see below) to
participate in a seminar for lecturers under the supervision of Edward
Malefakis, a renouned scholar from Columbia Univ. on Comparative History
of Southern Europe since 1800; at Columbia University, N. York. Such
NEH grant was awarded by the US Government;
1984 - Concluded all the course work towards a PhD degree in Sociology ( achieved “abd status”) at Vanderbilt University, USA, including all the other requirements for such degree, namely "special area exams"(on Political Sociology and "Economy and Society"); at Vanderbilt Univ., Nashvillle, USA; dissertation project (on theoretical explanations of crime and criminality) interrupted due to unexpected return to Portugal; (1990) preparing a PhD research project on deviant behaviour in (Oporto) schools;
1983 - Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology, from Vanderbilt Univ.; minor in Education;
emphasis on Political Sociology, Sociology of Law, Sociology of Culture
(Literature), Science and Knowledge, and Education as well as Survey Design;
1982 - NEH fellowship to participate in a seminar conducted by Leonard Markowitz,
a well known political scientist from Queens College and CUNY- Graduate
Center, on "Power and Class in Africa"; at CUNY - Graduate Center, N. York
1977 – Licenciatura (MA) in Philosophy (minors: Psychology and History), from
Coimbra Univ., Coimbra, Portugal; GPA:16 (out of 20), "Bom com distinção"
("with honors").
1976 - Diploma from the “Universala Esperanto Asocio” atesting successful
participation of seminars at the Univ. of Antwerp,Belgium, on Anthropology
of Religion, Labor Relations Psychology, Marine Biology, and Ornitology.
1975 - Bacharelato (B.A.) (14/20) in Philosophy, Coimbra Unv.
1973 - Attended I.S.P.A. (Institute for Applied Psychology), Lisbon; no degree
1972 - Attended Law School, Coimbra Univ.; no degree.
1967 - Drafted into the “Escola Prática de Infantaria” to receive training to be an officer of the Portuguese Army; became a non-career officer in 1968, after which was sent to Mozambique; stayed in the Army until July of 1971.
1965 - Entered Law School, Coimbra Univ., until was drafted into the Portuguese
Army, 1967.
Membership to Professional and Scientific Organizations:
. APPORT - Portuguese Psychologists Association
. APA - American Psychological Association
. APS - American Psychological Society
. ACA – Americam Counseling Association
. ACONPSIC – Poertuguese Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy (founding member)
. BABCP – British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
. ASA - American Sociological Association
. SPP - Portuguese Psychological Society
. SPN – Portuguese Neuropsychological Society
. CPSC - Center for Psychology and Social Change, EUA
. SPP - Portuguese Psycossomatic Society
. ITACA - European Society of Professionals Intervening in Drug
. SPCE - Portuguese Society for the Educactional Sciences
. IRTAC - International Roundtable for the Advancement of Counseling
. A.I.R.P.E. - Association Internationale pour la Recherche sur la Personne de l’Enseignant
. ESIP – European School of Integrative Psychotherapy (co-founder and co-director)
. ESPI – European Society for Psychotherapy Integration (co-founder and co-director)
. CIES - Comparative International Education Society, USA
. APSM - Portuguese Association for the Mental Health
. APF - Family Planning Association
. APG - Portuguese Association of the Human Resources Managers
. HYPNOS – Portuguese Associaton of Clinical Hypnosis (founding member and director)
. M-EIP – Milton H Erickson Institute of Northern Portugal (founding member and director)
. ECNS – EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society, USA
. SRA – Society for Research on Adolescence, USA
. ISMA – USA – International Stress Managment Association
. NYAS - New York Academy of Sciences
. IIPA – International Integrative Psychotherapy Association
. ISBD – International Society for Bipolar Disorders
. INS – International Neuropsychology Society
Awards, grants and scholarships/fellowships received to participate in scientific meetings, to do research or post-graduate studies:
1995 - Scholarship by the “Secretaria de Estado da Ciência e Tecnologia” (Portuguese Government) (Programme PRAXIS XXI) and by Univ. Portucalense to further and conclude PhD studies
---- - Grant by Univ Portucalense and Luso-American Foundation for the Development to participate in the CIES Annual Conference
1991 - Grant by INIC and “Comissão Luso-americana de Cultura” to participate in CIES Cenference in California
1990 - Grant by Luso-American Commission to partake in the CIES Annual Conference; in Pittsburgh, USA
----- - Grant by Gulbenkian Foundation to enroll in a PhD program at the Univ. of Leicester, UK
1989 - Grant by INIC to pursue research abroad
1988 - Grant by Gulbenkian Foundation to travell to England for research purposes
1988 - Grant by the Univ. of Aveiro to participate in the "1st International Simposium of Philosophy of Educação," at the Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
1988 - Grant by the Univ. of Aveiro for a work visit to England, to contact the Institute of Education, Nene College and Oxford Poly, with the aim of establishing a protocol of cooperation among those institutions of higher learning.
1987 - Grant by the Univ. of Aveiro to participate in the "II National Congress on Sexology" at the Hospital of the University of Coimbra.
1987 - The same, to participate in the "I National Congress on Stress"
1985 - Fellowship of the National Endowment for the Humanities(NEH) to participate in a seminar for College Teachers; at the University of Columbia
1982 - NEH Fellowship to attend a seminar on political science; at CUNY - Graduate Center, N. York
1981 - Grant by the Univ. of Vanderbilt to pursue post-graduate in Sociology. The Universities of Stanford and Chicago offered the same.
1979 - Grant by the Univ. of Vanderbilt to participate in a colloquium in memoriam of Jorge de Sena; at the University of Califórnia/ Santa Barbara; presented a paper
1976 - Scholarship by a Belgian Newspaper to participate in the Summer Courses at the University of Antuerpen; work language: Esperanto
The following is a list of the main courses, seminars and workshops taken (or taught) at:
University of Vanderbilt, Nashville, USA;
George Peabody College, Nashville;
Cornell University, Ithaca;
CUNY-Graduate Center, N. York;
Columbia University, N. York;
University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain;
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal;
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal;
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;
Univ. of Minho, Braga, Portugal;
Colégio Universitário de Altos Estudos, Porto, Portugal;
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK;
Univ. of Cluj, Cluj, Romania;
Univ. of Tashkent, Taskent, Uzbekistan;
Univ. of Coruna, Coruna, Spain
Instituto Superior da Maia (ISMAI), Maia, Portugal:
Sociology (at Vanderbilt Univ., as part of the PhD program):
Classical sociological theory and major theorists;
Readings in contemporary sociology;
Multivariate analysis I;
Multivariate analysis II;
Quantitative methods workshop;
Writing workshop;
Teaching workshop;
Medical sociology;
Social psychology;
Social dynamics of mental health;
Survey seminar on cultural sociology;
Survey seminar on deviant behavior and social control;
Survey seminar on political sociology;
Survey seminar on population studies and human ecology;
Survey seminar on sociology of science and knowledge;
Survey seminar on sociology of literature;
Survey seminar on economy and society;
Survey seminar on social stratification;
Special-topic seminar on state and society;
Special-topic seminar on theory and methodology;
Special-topic seminar on norms, power and related normative phenomena;
Directed studies on political sociology;
Directed studies on criminology;
Directed studies on social psychology;
Directed studies on cultural sociology and Sociology of Literature;
At the Universites of Vanderbilt and Cornell (EUA):
Advanced seminar in personality and social psychology;
Seminar in social and personality development;
Clinical behaviour therapy and behaviour modification;
Seminar in transactional-ecological psychology;
Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service.
Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, Counseling/Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Stress Management, and Human Development: (several courses and seminars taken both in Portugal and abroad (USA, Spain and the UK), namely:
Advanced seminar in personality and social psychology;
Seminar in social and personality development;
Clinical behavior therapy and behavior modification;
Seminar in transactional-ecological psychology;
Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service;
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy;
Gestalt Therapy
Clinical Hypnosis and Stress Management;
Brief Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis;
Within the framework of the Post-graduate Specialization Course on (the bio-psycho-sociology of) Adictive Behaviour/Drug Abuse, the following courses and seminars were taken (at the Univ. of Porto, Portugal):
The neurobiological explanation of adiction;
The socio-psychological explanation of adiction;
The social-cultural interaction and its effects on drug adiction;
Drug dependence and the theory of the "autopoietic" subject;
Prevention and drug adiction;
Towards a prophylaxis of drugs;
Theoretical models of drug prevention;
Emotions, psico-social factors and drugs;
AIDS, preventive factors and social image;
Attitudes, beliefs and AIDS prevention;
Therapeutic models: from traditional models to alternative
models of treatment;
Drug dependence and the sciences of deviant behaviour: a new paradigm;
Intervention: the medical model;
The therapeutic process;
Family therapy within the framework of the treatment of drug-adicts;
Anthropology of drugs;
The come into being and the development of the ecological perspective;
Environmental psychology and drugs;
Law, the legal discourse and drugs;
The cultural political context as a critical variable to the drug consumption: the North-American versus the European tradition;
The use of drugs versus drug dependence: their social construction;
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to the study of drugs: the role of the ethnographic observatory;
Drug-crime interaction and its conceptual models:
The psycho-pharmacological model; the economic-compulsive model; the expectation and rationalization model; Socio-cultural analysis of drug uses
MSc program in Developmental Clinical Psychology ( at Univ. of Coimbra): courses successfully taken:
Psicopatologia Geral (General Psychopathology)
Psicopatologia do Desenvolvimento I (Psychopathology of Human Development I)
Dinâmica do Desenvolvimento (Dynamics of Human Development)
Terapias Familiares (Family Therapies)
Etologia da Relação Precoce (Ethology of the Early Child-Caregiver Relations)
Clínica do Insucesso Escolar (Clinic of School Faillure)
Psicopatologia do Desenvolvimento II (Psychpathology of Human Development II)
Workshops on:
Terapia familiar (Family Therapy)
Hipnose Clínica e Hipno-análise (Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnoanalysis) A Psicanálise e o Pensamento (Psychonalysis an Thought Processes)
Transformações na Prática da Psicanálise (Transformations in the Practice of Psychoanalysis)
Postgraduate training at the College of Higher Studies (UCAE), Porto):
Psychological Assessment for Early Entrance into the Elementary School (eight modules)
Specialization Course in Psychopathology (eight modules)
Specialization Course in Neuropsychology (nine modules)
Workshop on Sleep Disturbances
Workshop on Systematic Treatment Planning
Workshop on Humanistic and Experiencial Approaches to Psychotherapy
Psychological Assessment (at UCAE, Porto) (eight modules):
The Portuguese legal system and the evaluation of some assessment models;
Cognitive assessment through the "Raven Coloured Matrices”
Discriminant analysis of WISC through Kaufman's view points;
Assessmennt of the afective-relational dimmensions of the child;
Some aspects of language assessment as a basic element to school learning;
Some aspects of motor development relevant to schooling;
Attention, impulsivity and hiperactivity in children entering school;
The concept of school readiness;
Pychopathology at UCAE, Porto (eight modules):
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Fenomenológica
(Psychoopathology from a Phenomenological Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Psicodinâmica
(Psychopathology from a Psychodynamic Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Centrada na Pessoa
(Psychopathology from a Person-centered Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Sistémica
(Psychopathology from a Systemic Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Comportamental
(Psychopathology from a Behavioural Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Cognitiva
(Psychopathology froma Cognitive Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Neurobiológica
(Psychopathology from a Neurobiological Perspective)
A Psicopatologia numa Perspectiva Desenvolvimental
(Psychopathology from a Developmental Perspective)
Clinical Neuropsychology (specialization course) (at UCAE, Porto) (eleven modules):
Introdução à Bioquímica e à Biofísica
(Introduction to Biochemstry and Biophysics)
Cito-histologia do Sistema Nervoso
(Cyto-Histology of the Nervous System)
Neurologia Clínica
(Clinical Neurology)
Terapias Cognitivo-comportamentais
(Behavioural-Cognitive Therapies)
Propedêutica Neuro-cirúrgica
(Neuro-Cyrurgical Propedeutics)
Neuropsicologia I
(Neuropsychology I)
Neuropsicologia II
(Neuropsychology II)
Neuropsicologia III
(Neuropsychology III)
Neuropsicologia IV
(Neuropsychology IV)
Clinical Neuropsychology (PhD program), at the University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain:
Introduction to Neurosciences
Basic Neurological Exam; Complementary explorations; Neurologic syndroms
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychology and clinical protocol in cerebral-vascular pathology
Neuropsychology and clinical protocol in hydrocephaly an brain tumors
Neuropsycholgy and clinical protocol ein multiple sclerosis
Neuropsychological focal syndroms
Neurospychological difused syndroms
Models of objective measurement
Techniques of neuropsychological evaluation: Luria DNI and DNA bateries
Neuropsychology and clinical protocol in epilepsy
Cognitive Rehabilitation: methods and techniques
Workshop sponsored by the Portuguese Psychological Association:
"Multimodal Therapy: a practical approach to technical eclecticism" (by Windy Dryden from the University of London);
Workshop sponsored by the Univ. of Minho:
"Cognitive-behavior Therapy and Rational-Emotive Therapy" (by Albert Ellis of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, N. York)
Sponsored by the University of Coimbra: Seminars on
Sex Therapy
Sponsored by the Univ. of Lisbon and School of Public Health:
Seminars on "Life Events Schedule" (LES), by Profs. George Brown e Elizabeth Davies, from the Univ. of London as well as by the teaching staff of the above mentioned schools
Educational Sciences: (at Vanderbilt Univ. and George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, USA, as a doctoral student):
Multicultural Dimmensions of Education;
Issues in Educational Policy: Historical and Philosophical;
Data Gathering Techniques and Data Analysis in the Social and Educational Sciences;
Questionnaire Design and Implementation;
Case Studies and Ethnographic Research;
Classroom Observation;
Information Technologies and Research;
Anthropology: (at Vanderbilt Univ., as doctoral student)
Theories of culture and human nature;
Physical anthropology;
Energy, environment, and culture;
Peoples and cultures of Latin America;
North American indians;
Urban anthropology;
Medical anthropology;
The anthropology of law and government;
Myth, ritual, belief: the anthropology of religion;
Family, marriage, and kin;
Work, exchange, and culture;
Men, women, and society;
Women of the forest;
Personality and culture;
History: (at Columbia Univ., N. York)
Comparative History of Southern Europe since 1800; Columbia Univ, N. York; (NEH seminar)
Political Science:
Power and Class in Africa, (NEH seminar at CUNY-Graduate Center, N.
State and Society in Latin America, at Vanderbilt Univ.
Philosophy: (at Vanderbilt University):
Death and dying;
Philosophical assumptions of psycotherapy;
Epistemology of the social sciences;
Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: (at Vanderbilt Univ., and Scarrit Colege, Nashville, USA)
Foreign language teaching: theory and practice;
Teaching English as a second language;
Literature: (at Vanderbilt Univ.)
Spanish-american short story;
Semiotics: Literary analysis;
Courses taught at Vanderbilt and Cornell Universities (USA), Univ. of Coruna, (Spain), Univ. of Tashkent, (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Univ. of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal), Univ. Portucalense (Porto, Portugal), ISMAI (Castêlo da Maia, Portugal) and Univ. of Cluj, (Cluj, Romania):
At Cornell and at Vanderbilt:
Culture and civilization of the Portuguese-speaking world;
Seminar: studies in contemporary literature of Portugal;
Seminar: Lusophone-african literature;
Seminar: The Luso-Afro-Brazilian short-story;
Portuguese language: advanced;
Introduction to Portuguese Literature;
Independent Studies in Portuguese Literature and Civilization;
Introduction to Sociology;
Courses taught at the Univ. of Aveiro, Univ. Portucalense, Univ. of Tashkent, University of Corunha, and at ISMAI:
Introduction to Social Sciences
General Psychology
Applied Psychology
Human Development
Personal and Professional Development (Mental Health Professionals)
Social Psychology
Educational Psychology
Integrative Brief Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis (Masters level, with Peter Hawkins)
Sexology (Masters level)
Cllinical Neuropsychology (Masters level)
Deviance and Juvenile Delinquence (Masters level)
Addictions and Drug Abuse (Masters level)
Counseling and Psychotherapy (Masters level)
Bio-psycho-sociology of Adictive Behaviours and Drugabuse;
Screening, Assessment, Selection and Professional Development;
Assessment and intervention in Addictions;
Developmetal Psychology;
Sociology of Education;
Sociology of the International Relations;
Intro do Psychology;
Integrative Psychotherapy;
Professional experience:
(i) Teaching and supervision:
At College/University Level:
2006-08 – Coordinated the Committee overseeing the creation of the following BSc programmes: “Clinical and Social Gerontology”, “Criminology”, “Health Education”, “Sociology”; Taught or coordinated the teaching of:
- (i) “Psychobiology of Behaviour”, (within the First Degree in “Psychology” and in “Psychosocial Counseling”):
- (ii) “Neuropsychology” within the First Degree in “Psychology” and in “Psychosocial Counseling”):;
- (iii) “Attitudes Towards Sexuality” (within the MA in “Sexology”;
- (iv) “Personal and Ethical/Professional Identity of Counselors and Psychotherapists (within the MA in “Psychological Consultation, Counseling and Psychotherapy”:
- (v) Social and Cultural Diversity (MA in Psychological Consultation, Counseling and Psychotherapy), along with Peter Hawkins;
- (vi) Counseling andf Psychotherapy Theories, (MA in Psychological Consultation, Counseling and Psychotherapy), along with Peter Hawkins and Richard Page;
- (vii) Counseling and Psychotherapy Interventions (MA in Psychological Consultation, Counseling and Psychotherapy), along with Peter Hawkins and Richard Page;
2003-2007 – Member of the Overseeing Committees of the Univ. of Coruna (Spain) PhD Programme in Economic and Managment Sciences and of the Univ. Salamanca (Spain) PhD Programme in Clinical Neuropsychology; also member of the organizing committees of the following PhD Programmes:
Social Psychology, of the Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
Psychogerontology, of the Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
Audiovisual Communication and Publicity (“La Comunicación en la Era Digital: Industrias, Estrategias y Medios”) of the University of Vigo, Spain;
Psychopathology of Language and Communication, of the Univ. of Málaga , Spain;
2002- Co-organized and co-authored the following undergraduate courses: “Nursing”;“Speech Therapy”; “Occupational Therapy”;
2001 – Co-creator and co-coordinator (and lecturer) of the following post-graduate (specialization) courses:
Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Transtornos da Linguagem, Fala e Voz – Ncessidades Educativas Especiais (Diagnosis and Treatment of Language, Speech and Voice Disorders – Special Needs Education);
Neuropsicologia Clínica (Clinical Neuropsychology);
Psicoterapia Breve Integrativa e Hipnose Clínica (Integrative Brief Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis);
Psicoterapia: Intervenções em Saúde Mental (Psychotherapy: Interventions in Mental Health);
2000- Appointed as Professor Auxiliar (invited) at ISMAI, Maia, Portugal; also appointed as Pro-President of ISMAI for Post-Graduate Studies and Director of the Studies Office and of the Post-Graduate Studies Office;
2000-2007 – President of the examining committee (and co-examiner) of the final reports/thesis of about fifty (50) candidates to the Specialization Certificate in Language and Communication Psychopathology;
2000-2005 - Co-creator/co-organizer of the following Master Degree programmes:
Sexologia (Sexology);
Psicoterapia: Intervenções em Saúde Mental (Psychotherapy: Interventions in Mental Health);
Consulta Psicológica, Aconselhamento e Psicoterapia (Counseling and Psychotherapy) ;
Psicopatologia da Comunicação e da Linguagem (Psychopathology of Language and Communication) ;
Avaliação e Intervenção Neuropsicológicas (Neuropsichological Evaluation and Intervention);
Prevenção e Tratamento em Adições (Prevention and Treatment of Addictions)
1999 – (“Invited”) Associate Professor at Univ. Portucalense, Porto, Portugal, where taugh Sociology, Political Science, and Psychology at both undergraduate and graduate levels;
1997- Instituto Superior da Maia (ISMAI); Head of the Studies Center;
1994 - Appointed as (“Invited”) Assistant Professor at the Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal, where he taugh Sociology, Political Science, and Psychology at both undergraduate and graduate levels;
Apointed head of psychotherapy/counseling services, at MEDICALIS, Porto, Portugal; practicing Psychotherapy/Counseling since 1989 (ongoing, 2014) and Cllinical Neuropsychology since I finished my PhD programa (but dissertation) at the Univ. Salamanca, in 2005;
1990-94 - Instituto Superior da Maia (ISMAI); Lecturer and Course Leader of the Human Resources Management BSc programme; creator, organizer and course leader of the Licenciatura em Psicologia (BSc in Psychology);
1991 – Lecturer at the University of Aveiro; Educational Sciences Department; taught Educational Psychology
1986-90- Lecturer at the University of Aveiro; Educational Sciences Dept; taught Sociology of Education
1984-86 – Appointed visiting lecturer by the Instituto de Cultura e Lingua Portuguesa (I.C.L.P., Lisbon) and the Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., USA (Dept of Modern Languages and Linguistics and Dept of Romance Studies) teaching Culture, Language and Literature of Portugal, Brazil and Lusophone Africa;
1977-84 – Appointed visitng lecturer by I.C.L.P. and by Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN, USA, teaching Portuguese and Lusophone African Studies, as well as Portuguese language; also appointed as Research Assistant in Sociology;
Tutoring and Supervision:
At both Vanderbilt Univ. and Cornell Univ. participated in PhD joint supervision as well as oral examinations; also supervised research papers and BA monographic studies; at Univ. Portucalense, Oporto, co-supervised two MA thesis on “behaviour/discipline problems in secondary schools”, being part of a joint supervision of another thesis on “Maths anxiety and school faillure” and another one in “Feminist Approach to Curriculum Management”; co-tutor and co-supervisor to the students of the Postgraduate Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Brief Psychotherapy; supervisor of a MA thesis on “Sexual Phantasies and the Couple’s Sexual Behaviour and Satisfaction” (within the MA in Sexology, at ISMAI); a MA thesis on “College Students Notion of Hypnosis”
At Secondary Level:
1975-77 - Taught Philosophy and Psychology to High School seniors as well as to Elementary School teachers; in Pombal, Portugal.
1974-75 - Taught History and Portuguese Language at Escola Preparatória da Nazaré, Nazaré, Portugal.
1969-71 - Taught Portuguese and History at Escola General Joaquim de Araújo, Lourenço Marques (Maputo), Mozambique, and French and Spanish in Casa das Beiras and as a tutor.
(ii) Other:
2006 – Co-founder and co-director (along with Peter Hawkins (UK) and Richard Page (USA)) of the European School of Integrative Psychotherapy (UK) (at:, as well as the European Society for Psychotherapy Integration;
2005 – Member of the organizing committee of the International Congress on Violence and Society held at ISMAI in early November; presented a paper on “Adolescence and Violence” and taught, along with Richard Page and Peter Hawkins, a workshop on the “Psychossocial Treatment of Schizophrenia”;
2003 – Appointed member of the Acompanying Committee of the PHd Program in Enterpreneurial Sciences and Management of the Univ. of Coruna, Spain;
------ – Appointed Delegate of the PHd Program in Clinical Neuropsychology of the Univ. of Salamanca, Spain, at ISMAI;
2002 - Co-founder (along with Peter Hawkins) of HYPNOS - Portuguese Society of Clinical Hypnosis;
------ - Co-founder and co-director (along with Peter Hawkins) of ACONPSIC – Portuguese Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy
------ - Co-founder and of Portuguese Society of Clinical Neuropsychology;
------ - Co-founder and co-director (along with Peter Hawkins) of the International Association of Psychotherapies;
2001 – Co-founder and co-director (along with Peter Hawkins and Ana Almeida) of the Institute Milton H. Erickson - Northern Portugal;
1997 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on the “New Frontiers of Science”, in Oporto;
1993 - Head of the Organizing Committee of the First Luso-Galician Meeting on Human Resources Management;
1991 - Member of the Scientific Committee of “Teoria de la Educacion, Revista Interuniversitária”, a scientific journal published by the Univ. of Salamanca, Spain;
1990 – ISMAI was inaugurated and classes started; at the same time was apointed course leader of the Human Resources Management degree programme;
1988 – Begins contacts to create ISMAI – University College of Maia; as a result of such initiative the Cooperative MAIEUTICA (of 16 members, mostly teachers and College Profs) was created;
1988 - Started private practice on a part-time basis; he is the coordinator and head of Clinical Neuropsychology, Integrative Counseling and Psychotherapy and Cllinical Hypnosis care at MEDICALIS (a private clinic in Porto, Portugal); same thing at the Clínica do Sono, Porto;
1987 - Head to the Program ERASMUS (EEC) in the Dept. of Educational Sciences, Univ. of Aveiro;
1987 - In-service teacher training supervisor;
1981-83 - Research Assistant in Sociology of Knowledge and Science, at Sociology Dept, Vanderbilt Univ.;
1974 - Started part-time translation occupation;
1972-73 - Proofreader at Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, Lisbon;
1970-71 - News translator and copywriter at Notícias, Lourenço Marques (Maputo), Mozambique;
1967-70 - Non-career officer of the Portuguese Army.