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Stephen Lankton

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Clinical Hypnosis Training, with Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Phoenix, AZ,1975-1979.

Post-Graduate Psychotherapy Training, Huron Valley Institute, Dexter, MI, 1973-6.

Master of Social Work, University of Michigan, (MSW), 1974.

Bachelor of Arts, Michigan State University, (BA), 1972.


Stephen Lankton, MSW, DAHB, holds a clinical diploma from the University of Michigan and is the recipient of two Lifetime Achievement Awards for outstanding contributions to the field of psychotherapy and hypnosis.  He is a Fellow and Diplomate of several professional organizations.  And is a Fellow and Approved Consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and Diplomate of the American Board of Hypnosis for Clinical Social Work.  He is the Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, and the author, co-author, or editor of 19 professional books and more than 60 peer-reviewed chapters and papers in the area of hypnosis, psychotherapy, transactional analysis, family therapy, innovative psychotherapy, and clinical social work - many of which have been translated into several languages.  Stephen has been referred to as a polymath, a master psychotherapist, and teacher of innovative approaches to therapeutic change.  His most well-know books include, The Answer Within, Tools of Intention, Hypnotic Induction, and Assembling Ericksonian Therapy. His website is  He lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona.



Appointments, Awards, and Similar Actions


Lifetime Achievement Award, for contributions to the field of hypnosis,” from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, March, 2016

Lifetime Achievement Award, for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Psychotherapy, from Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., 1994.

Chair, Arizona State Board of Behavior Health Examiners, 2011-2013.

Chair/Secretary, Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, SW Credential Committee, 2008 - 2014.

Irving Sector Award, for Advancement of Clinical Hypnosis, from AJCH, 2007.

Award of Appreciation, from ASCH, 2017.

President’s Award, from AJCH, 2012.

Author of several books selected to be “main” and “alternate” selections of the month for Behavior Science Book Service and Science and Behavioral Books, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1994.

Rated 6th (among the ten) “most influential authors” by membership of The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1985 survey (in AJCH, July 1985).


Keynote/Plenary Addresses:

-  Transactional Analysis Redecision Conference, New Orleans, 2009.

-  American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Chicago, 2008.

-  Japanese Psychotherapy Association, Osaka, Japan, 2007.

   -  International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, 2001;

    - International Congress on Systemic Management, Vienna May 2001;

    - International Congress on Humanistic Medicine, Garmish, Germany, Oct. 1995;

    - NASW of TX, Annual Conference, El Paso, TX, Oct. 17, 1990;

    - First European Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Psychotherapy, Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 1989;

    - Texas Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Austin, TX, Jan. 1989;

    - International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, 1986;

- Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Phoenix, AZ, 1998; 2001

- New York State ICEDP, Annual Conference, Albany NY, June. 9, 1998;

- The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 1984.  

Invited Featured Faculty:

    -  Milton Erickson Foundation Intensive Training Programs, Phoenix, Arizona, 2002, 2003, 20004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015, 2016, 2017.

-  Transactional Analysis Redecision Conference, New Orleans, 2009.

     - International Congress on Thinking, Phoenix, Arizona, 2003.

     - International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy: Phoenix 1980, Phoenix 1983, Phoenix 1986, San Francisco 1988, Phoenix 1989, Phoenix 1992, Los Angeles 1994, Phoenix 1999, Phoenix 2001, Phoenix 2004, Anaheim 2005, Phoenix 2007, Phoenix 2015, Phoenix 2019.

     - Brief Therapy Conference: Orlando 1993, San Francisco 1996, New York City 1998, Orlando 2002, San Francisco 2003, Anaheim 2006, Anaheim 2008, San Diego 2016.

     - American Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference: Orlando, 2002.

     - Training seminar on skill development in hypnotherapy, San Francisco 1981, Dallas 1982, Los Angeles 1984, Phoenix 1997.

     - International Congress on Systemic Management, Vienna May 2001;

     - The Third International Congress for Systemic Therapy, Hamburg, W. Germany, 1995;

     - The Second International Congress for Systemic Therapy, Orta, Italy, 1992;

     -  The Joint Conference: Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy - Arts - Facts - Artifacts, Jerusalem, 1992;

     -  The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, National Conferences, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1997, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2001, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018.

- The Family Therapy (Psychotherapy) Networker Conferences, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2008.


Invited Faculty for Workshops, Seminar, and Conferences:

-  Several hundred professional training workshops, congresses, and conferences throughout the United States, Japan, China, Norway, Italy, England, Germany, France, Canada, Brazil, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Israel.

-  30-page list available upon request, 1975- 200.


Invited Moderator:

-  Evolution of Psychotherapy Congress, 1990, 2000, and 2005.


Other Professional Organization Related Items

Ethics Committee, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, ASCH, 1994-1996.

Board Member at Large, American Board of Hypnosis for Clinical Social Work, (AHBCSW) 1989 - 1993.

Member, Professional Service Organization, Lakeview Community Mental Health Center, Pensacola, FL, 1991-4.

Steering Committee, Pensacola Society for Advancement of Law and Mental Health, 1989 - 1991.

Volunteer Clinician, Doctors of the World – USA, Inc. 2003-2005.

CME Review Committee, Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., 1995-8.


Computer and Electronic Related

Technician Class, and Novice Class No Code Plus Amateur Ham Radio License, FCC, July 1998-present.

Web Site Construction, built the original sites for:Milton H. Erickson Foundation,, (original site), Jay Haley,, (original site), Brunner/Mazel, Inc., brunner/ (original site), American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, (original site), American Hypnosis Board for Clinical Social Work,,The Phoenix Institute for Ericksonian Therapy,, and others.


Technical Beta Site, Microsoft Corporation, 1980-2001.

Named in ‘Top 100 Beta-testers,’ Microsoft Corporation, Operating System Test Team for “Chicago,” Nov. 1993.

Beta-test site for major computer software products and operating system platforms for: Microsoft (1983-2002), Symantec-Peter Norton (1993-1998), , Intuit (1985-1087), Traveling Software (1991-4), Arcadia (1986-1987), Hewlett Packard, Lasertools, Artisoft, Forte, Lambsoft, Phoenix Technologies, Metz Software, J.P. Software, Future Trends Multimedia Software, and others.



April 2005 – present Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Nature of Employment:  As the Editor-in-Chief, my duties are to produce a peer-reviewed journal quarterly (Jan, Apr, July, and Oct.); maintain an editorial board of established experts in the field. I provide editorials, author, edit, solicit papers for peer review and select guest editors who assist with special single topic issues on such topics as hypnosis with cognitive behavioral therapy, cancer care, mindfulness, and various techniques.  I prepare detailed yearly reports to the Executive Committee.


July 1979 ‑ Present

Private Clinical Training, Clinical Consulting, Clinical Practice Private full-time therapy practice.  I began clinical work in private practice (assessment and therapy for individuals, couples, and families).  I began in Michigan and kept my Michigan LCSW and LMFT license after moving to FL in 1980.  I was licensed in FL as an LMFT until moving to AZ in 2001. My Arizona license is LCSW 

Workshop Training and Seminar Presentations.  In 1976 I began conducting workshops for professionals in mental health fields internationally.  Areas of training include: Ericksonian approaches to treatment and hypnotherapy, psychological level communication, family therapy, various clinical techniques, diagnosis, and treatment planning frameworks.  In each of these cases training has been conducted to improve the delivery skills of participants consisting exclusively of master and doctorate level health care professional clinicians in post-graduate clinical training or seeking professional recertification.

During the 1980 and 1990s, I provided ongoing monthly 2-day training programs in Boston (7 years), New Haven (3 years), Miami (6 years), Atlanta (2 year), Indianapolis (2 year), Austin (2 year), and quarterly 8-day training in Pensacola Beach (for 21 years), Zurich (quarterly 5-day workshops for 3 year), and Munich (quarterly 5-day workshops for 10 year).  Additionally, I have conducted training in Australia, New Zealand, England, Italy, France, Canada, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Israel, Brazil, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and most of the states in the U.S.  Invited presentations have been delivered to dozens of universities (Univ. of MI, Xavier, USCA, John Hopkins, Harvard, NJ School of Medicine, McGill, MSU, Loyola, Pennsylvania University, Univ. Miami, Florida State, Nova, Univ. of CT. Univ. N. TX, Univ. of NY, Univ. of Ark., etc.) most of the related professional organizations including:  AAMFT, ASCH, AGPA, AFTA, AAP, NASW, ITAA, Ortho, Networker, Milton Erickson Foundation, etc., and to various state professional organizations including those of Psychology, Psychiatry, Family Therapy, and Social Work in almost all US states.

Writing, and Publishing.  In order represent some of this training I authored dozens of professional chapters and several best-selling professional books including  The Answer Within: A Clinical Framework of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy; Enchantment and Intervention in the Family: Using Metaphor in Family Therapy; Tales of Enchantment: Goal Oriented Metaphors for Adults in Therapy; and other books including Assembling Ericksonian Therapy: The Collected Papers of Stephen R. Lankton; and Tools of Intention: Strategies that Inspire Change (see attached bibliography for the complete list of authored, co-authored, and edited books and articles).


Corporate Consulting and Writing. Beginning in 1981 (esp. 1994-2002) I expanded my workshops to include material relevant for business and government agencies. The corporate trainings were individually tailored to target group needs: motivation, negotiation, learning, and self-management, focus groups, corporate vision enrichment, electronic and other media interface strategies. These consultations were conducted for organizations including American Airlines Training Resource HQ, for whom I developed the Self-image Thinking portion of their famous T.A.C.T. program (it became a training program used for their 10,000 contact personnel employees in emotional self-management skills during 1983-4).  In 1988 my corporate consultation include writing several television commercials for banking customers in the New York based area.  I developed a methodology called Interface Management Science to embrace the complex emerging paradigms in the business world that became the backbone and official methodology for the Xerox Document Engineering consulting services. This resulted in CEO-level enterprise management projects with organizations that included the IRS, NY Tax and Revenue, Empire BCBS, USAA, and dozens of others (listed with publications).


August 2012 – 2018

Faculty Associate

Nature of Employment:  Faculty associate, Graduate School of Social Work. Teaching courses has included Assessment of Mental Health Disorders, psychopathology, group therapy, transition form case-work to clinical work, and family therapy approaches.


Nov. 2008 – 2015

Secretary, Member Social Work Credentialing Committee (2008-2010)

Member, Arizona Board of Behavioral of Behavior Health Examiners (2012-2015)

Chair, Arizona Board of Behavioral of Behavior Health Examiners (2014-2015)

Nature of Employment:  I serve at the invitation of the State Governor to review applications and complaints of AZ licensed Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselors.  Following reviews of the investigation on complaints against these professionals the Committee’s job is to recommends disciplinary action to the full Board and the Board’s job is to review the facts and recommendations and decide the proper course of action.


August 2004 – Sept. 2008

Faculty Associate

Nature of Business:  Faculty associate for the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Sociology and occasionally the Dept. of Psychology. The courses I teach include family diversity, courtship and family, group dynamics, clinical psychology, and related courses.


Summer 1990 – 2001

Private Practice

Nature of Business:  I conducted a private full-time outpatient therapy practice associated with Ron Yarbrough, Ph.D. and Associates.  I was a target provider referral for many physicians, most local pain treatment centers, all HMO’s, and other peripheral care givers in the Pensacola and Gulf Breeze, Florida, and as far north as the Southern Alabama area.


Jan. 1974 ‑ July 1979

Certified Social Worker.

Nature of Business: I provided over forty-four hours per week of direct treatment to client‑systems of various sizes including community consultation, staff training, individual, group and family therapy, and graduate student supervision. These included:

  • Probate Court, Jackson
  • Substance Abuse Counsel, Jackson
  • Crittenden Home, Jackson
  • Southern Michigan Prison, Jackson,
  • Foote Hospital, Jackson

I authored three of the four sections for the state‑wide Family Services procedure manual, 1977: "Case Management," "Treatment Modalities," and "Record Keeping." These subsequently were used as the model for development of the procedural manual used at the nation‑wide level by the Family Services Association of America.



September 1974 ‑ January 1978

Instructor, Psychology Dept.

Nature of Business:  I taught personality theory classes to JCC students utilizing various theoretical frameworks including Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy, Psychodrama, and family systems orientations.


May 1974 ‑ November 1975

Teaching consultant.

Nature of Business. I provided ongoing staff training in direct client treatment in the theory and techniques group therapy including those of Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy, and psychodrama.  I trained and supervised six therapists in the capacity of establishing a day-treatment outpatient program psychotic adult patients.


October 1970‑May 1973

Child Care Worker.

Nature of Business: Camp Highfields is a residential treatment facility for delinquent and neglected adolescent boys referred through the Michigan court system. As the evening supervisor, I arranged, conducted, and supervised the evening portion of the residential treatment program which facilitated the development of social skills in a peer group dynamic modality. The supervised staff consisted of four child-care workers and a community of 48 male youths ranging in age from 13 to 17 years old.


December 1969 ‑ October 1970

Youth Outreach Worker.

Nature of Business: Outreach workers establish themselves as liaisons and intervening agents between problem or delinquent youths and agencies of community service. My caseload consisted of 40 high school youths, male and female, specifically chosen because of their heavy involvement in drug abuse, truancy, run‑away, vandalism, sexual misconduct, and incorrigibility.


July 1969 ‑ June 1973

Coordinator of Community Resources, trainer, volunteer.

Nature of Business: Ours was one of the second suicide and crisis intervention centers in the US.  I was involved in all phases of on-going development, promoting, training, crisis working, and researching our impact on the community. We conducted 70 hour training programs in East Lansing and around the Midwest for other groups hoping to establish similar service in their community. These included:


Listening Ear Training Group ‑ Nov. 1969 to June 1973.

Boys Training School Staff ‑ Jan. 1970.

Lansing Broad. of Education Seminar ‑ Jan. 1971.

MSU Social Work Graduates Seminar ‑ Jan 1971.

Cranbrook Symposium ‑ April 1971.


In this capacity, and working with the aid of the YMCA Outreach Program, I compiled, authored, and distributed the first comprehensive manual of community resources in the area: Community Resource Catalog for the Lansing ‑ East Lansing Area. This publication later served as the basis for the United Way to continue to update the project with their larger resources.


Intensive Psychotherapy and Training Experience

August 1975 ‑ December 1979

Clinical Hypnotherapy

I studied at Dr. Erickson's home-office for five years (5- to 9-day sessions approximately every three months for these 5 years). Training consisted of demonstrations and didactic discussions on induction, trance phenomena, diagnosis, case presentations by Dr. Erickson, and personal treatment. I was an invited presenter of a portion of his work (to groups of 800 to 2000) at the National seminars and International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, beginning in December 1980. That first workshop was evaluated extremely favorably (number 1 of 133) by the participating clinicians. I have been among the invited faculty in the years 1980 - . Several publications cited earlier are directly related either to my Erickson Congress presentations or my personal training with Dr. Erickson.


October 1975 ‑ January 1985

Provisional Teaching Membership Supervision,

Supervision of training groups and teaching presentations I conducted regularly examined, especially when these programs concerned Transactional Analysis. Every three months weekend supervision of my teaching and supervision of others was conducted. I began with two year‑long training programs for clinicians in Ann Arbor, Michigan (with Brown), and Jackson, Michigan I sponsored and conducted dozens of training programs on family therapy, hypnosis, T.A., Gestalt, Psychodrama, and body therapies. I integrated much of this material with contemporary theories of transactional analysis. As a result of our effort and work in this area the I.T.A.A. recognized by Steve Kapman, M.D. (who took over for Eric Berne), my contribution to their body of theory under the name of "Psychological Level Communication" school in T.A. (in the Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, January, 1981).


September 1972 ‑ October 1975

Huron Valley Institute.

Nature of training: I participated in training and therapy programs conducted for eight hours per week. The group required didactic case presentation, supervision, large group supervision, direct and videotape supervision, and personal psychotherapy related to eliminating personal blocks to becoming an effective professional therapist. This training, extracurricular work, and examination eventually lead to my obtaining Clinical Membership in the I.T.A.A. During this period I wrote, organized and conducted a series of cable television programs on family communications and mental health for Con Cable TV, Jackson, Michigan (once a week for ten weeks). I also attended many professional training workshops and conferences with leaders including: Bob Goulding, Alexander Lowen, Bruno Bettleheim, Albert Ellis, Virginia Satir, Carl Whitacker, Charles Elias, Betty Dickenson, Ruth McClendon, Hedges Capers, Bill Hollaway, Steve Karpman, Fanita English, Alan Jacobs, Jacqui Schiff, Ilana Rubenfeld, Krystin Huige, Dan Cassreil and many others.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Authored Clinical Books

Lankton, S. (2008). Tools of intention: Strategies that inspire change. Williston, VT: Crown House Publications. ISBN: 978-0-9823288-0-4.

Lankton, S., & Lankton, C. (2008/1983). The answer within: A clinical framework of Ericksonian hypnotherapy.  Williston, VT: Crown House Publications.  ISBN: 978-184590121-9.

Lankton, S., & Lankton, C. (2007/1986).  Enchantment and intervention in family therapy: Using metaphors in family therapy. Williston, VT:  Crown Press. ISBN: 978-184590083-0.

Lankton, S. (2004). Assembling Ericksonian therapy: The collected papers of Stephen Lankton. Phoenix: Zeig-Tucker. ISBN: 1-932462-10-4.

Lankton, S. (2003/1980).  Practical magic: A translation of basic neuro linguistic programming into clinical psychotherapy (Rev. ed.). Williston, VT: Crown House. ISBN: 1-904424-11-2.

Lankton, C., & Lankton, S. (1989).  Tales of enchantment.  Levittonwn, PA: Taylor & Francis / Brunner-Routledge. ISBN: 0-87630-504-4.

Lankton, S. (1988).  A children's book to overcome Fears: The blammo - surprise book!.  New York:  Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-945354-11-8.


Edited Clinical Books

Kumar, V. K., & Lankton, S. R. (Eds.). (2017).  Hypnotic Induction: Perspectives, Strategies, and Concerns. New York: Routledge.

Lankton, S., & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1994). Ericksonian monographs: Number 10. Difficult contexts for therapy. New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-749-7.

Lankton, S., & Erickson, K. (Eds.). (1993).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 9. Essence of single session success. New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-727-6.

Lankton, S., Gilligan, S., & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (2017/1991).  Views on Ericksonian brief therapy, process and action: Number 8. New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-646-6 (hard); 978-1-138-00957-8 (paper).

Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1990).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 7.  Broader implications of Ericksonian therapy. New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-582-6.

Lankton, S., & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (2014/1989).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 6. Extrapolations: Demonstrations of Ericksonian therapy. New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-567-2 (hard); 978-1-138-00469-6 (paper).

Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1989).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 5. Ericksonian hypnosis: Application, preparation, and research. New York: Brunner Mazel.  ISBN: 0-87630-523-0.

Zeig, J., & Lankton, S. (Eds.). (1988).  Developing Ericksonian psychotherapy: State of the arts.  The proceedings of the third international congress on Ericksonian psychotherapy.   New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-501-X.

Lankton, S., & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (2017/1988).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 4. Research comparisons and medical applications. New York: Brunner Mazel.  ISBN: 0-87630-510-9 (hard); 978-1-138-00458-0 (paper).

Lankton, S., & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1988).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 3. Special treatment populations. New York: Brunner Mazel.  ISBN: 0-87630-494-3.

Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1987).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 2. Central themes and underlying principles. New York: Brunner Mazel.  ISBN: 0-87630-470-6.

Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1985).  Ericksonian monographs: Number 1. Elements and dimensions of an Ericksonian approach. New York: Brunner Mazel. ISBN: 0-87630-411-0.


Chapters and Articles

Lankton, S. (2017). Conscious/unconscious dissociation induction: Increasing hypnotic performance with resistant clients. In V. K. Kumar & Stephen R. Lankton (Eds.). Hypnotic Induction: Perspectives, Strategies, and Concerns, 53-63. New York: Routledge.

Lankton, S. (2017). A conscious/unconscious dissociation induction. In M. Jensen (Ed.) Effective hypnotic inductions: Advice and examples from masters, pp. 52-72. Denny Creek, WA: Denny Creek Press.

Lankton, S. (2017). Training in Therapy - Induction without Scripts. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 59(3), 276-281.

Lankton, S. (2016). Conscious/unconscious dissociation induction: increasing hypnotic performance with resistant clients. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 59(2), 175-185.

Lankton, S. (2015).  Using metaphor with clients.  In K. Corcoran and A. Roberts, (Eds.) Social workers' desk reference, Third Edition, pp. 629-639. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lankton, S. (2015). Hypnosis and therapy for a case of vomiting, nausea, and pain. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (58)1, 63-80.

Lankton, S. (2015). Editorial: A SoC model of hypnosis and induction. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 57(4), 367-377.

Lankton, S. (2015).  Hypnotherapy. Encyclopedia of theory in counseling and psychotherapy, pp. 524-528. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications.

Lankton, S. (2010). A basic footprint of Milton H. Erickson's process of change. In E. L. Rossi, R. Erickson-Klein, & K. L. Rossi (Eds.).  The collected works of Milton H. Erickson: Classical hypnotic phenomena, part 2 (Vol. 6), 345-357. Phoenix, AZ: Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press.

Lankton, S. (2010).  Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and therapy.  In D. Barrett (Ed.) Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (Vol. 2): Applications in psychotherapy and medicine, pp. 1-48. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Lankton, S. (2010). Using hypnosis in Redecision Therapy.  Transactional Analysis Journal, 40(2), 99-107.

Lankton, S. & Matthews, W.  (2010). An Ericksonian model of clinical hypnosis. In S. Lynn, J. Rhue, & I. Kirsch (Eds.) Handbook of clinical hypnosis, Second edition, pp. 209-238. American Psychological Association Press.

Lankton, S. (2009).  Using metaphor with clients.  In Roberts, A. (Ed.) Social workers' desk reference, Second Edition, pp. 578-587. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lankton, S. (2009). Inspiring change: How to use tools of intention for positive outcomes. In G. W. Burns (Ed). Happiness, healing, enhancement: Your casebook collection for applying positive psychology in psychotherapy. pp. 279-290. John Wiley & Son, Hoboken, NJ.

Lankton, S. (2009). An interview with Stephen Lankton. Australian Journal of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis, 32(2), 31-61.

Lankton, S. (2008). Hypnosis In couple’s therapy: Forming positive unconscious contracts. Family Therapy Magazine, July 2008, 32-35. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Lankton, S. (2008). An Ericksonian approach to clinical hypnosis. In M. Nash & A. Barnier (Eds.) Oxford handbook of hypnosis, pp.467-486. Oxford Press.

Lankton, S. (2007). Psychotherapeutic intervention for numerous and large viral warts with adjunctive hypnosis: A case study. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 49(3), 211-218.

Lankton, S. (2005). Foreword. In D. Short, B. A. Erickson, and R. E. Klein (Authors), Hope and resiliency: Understanding the psychotherapeutic strategies of Milton H. Erickson, pp. iii-ix. New York: Crown House Publishers.

Lankton, S. (2004).  Both sides of the story. In Kottler, J. & Carlson, J. (2004). Their finest hour: Master therapists share their greatest success stories, pp. 159-164. New York. Pearson, Allyn & Bacon Publishing.

Lankton, S.R. (2003). Brief marital therapy. Summary statement in NIMH Empirically Supported Psychological Interventions. Retrieved from

Lankton, S. (2003).  Saved by a ghost. In J. Kottler, & J. Carlson (Eds.). The mummy at the dining room table: Eminent therapists reveal their most unusual cases. pp. 264-274. Jossey-Bass/Wiley.

Lankton, S. (2002).  The speaking the client’s language.  In J. Kottler, & J. Carlson (Eds.) Bad therapy: Master therapists share their worst failures, pp. 67-74. New York:  Brunner-Routledge.

Lankton, S. (2002).  Using metaphor with clients.  In Roberts, A. and Greene, G. (Eds.) Social workers' desk reference, pp. 385-391. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lankton, S. (2002).  Forward. In Battino, Rubin (Author), Metaphoria: Metaphor and Guided Metaphor for Psychotherapy and Healing, pp. v-xv. Williston, VT: Crown House Publishing.

Lankton, S. (2001). Goal-directed interventions for decisive resolution of coping limitations resulting from moderate and severe trauma. In B. Geary, & J. Zeig (Eds.). The handbook of Ericksonian psychotherapy, pp. 195-211. Phoenix, AZ. The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press.

Lankton, S. (2001). Using hypnosis in brief therapy.  Journal of Brief Therapy, 1(1), pp. 17-32, Winter 2001, Springer Publishing.

Lankton, S. (2001) Jay Haley’s impact on the rise of Ericksonian Therapy. Changing directives: The strategic therapy of Jay Haley, pp. 59-83.  The Milton Erickson Foundation Press, Phoenix, AZ.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C., Brown, M. (2001).  Psychological level communication in Transactional Analysis. Volume of Selected Articles from the transactional analysis journal, pp. 35-47.  Oakland, CA.: International Transactional Analysis Association.

Lankton, S., (2001).  Ericksonian therapy. In Corsini, R. (Ed.). Handbook of innovative psychotherapy, Second edition, pp. 194-205. New York: Wiley.

Lankton, S., & Lankton, C., (2001). Spezifische Phobien: Komplexes Dissoziation-Assoziation-Verfahren. In D. Revenstorf, & B. Perter (Eds.) Hypnose in psychotherapie, psychosomatik und medizin, pp. 449-456.  New York: Springer.

Lankton, S., (2000).  Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. In R. Corsini (Ed.). Six therapists and one client, second edition, pp. 15-84. New York: Wiley.

Lankton, S., (2000). Hypnosis. In D. Dollemore, et. al. (Eds.). Seniors guide to pain-free living, pp. 122-125.  New York: Rodale.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C. (1998). Ericksonian emergent epistemologies: Embracing a new paradigm. In M. F. Hoyt (Ed.). The handbook of constructive therapies. pp. 116-136. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lankton, S. (1998). Decisive resolution of trauma in brief therapy, In Go Inside, Retrieved Apr., 1998 from,

Lankton, S., Lankton, C. (1997).  Ericksonian approaches in social work. In R. Dorfman (Ed.). Paradigms in clinical social work, Vol. 2, pp. 149-184. New York: Brunner Mazel.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C., Bloom, P. (1997). How does a Non-Ericksonian integrate Ericksonian techniques?  In W. Matthews, & J. Edgette (Eds.). The evolution of brief therapy: An annual publication of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, volume 1, pp. 77-91.  New York: Brunner Mazel.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C.  (1997). Application of Ericksonian principles to larger systems in W.  Matthews, & J.  Edgette (Eds.). Current thinking and research in brief therapy: solutions, strategies, narratives, pp. 215-238.  New York: Brunner Mazel.

Lankton, S. (1995). Milton Erickson’s contribution to therapy, Retrieved July, 1995 from

Lankton, S. (1994). Everything is problem solving: The essence of the story. In J. Zeig (Ed.), Ericksonian methods: The essence of the story, pp. 99-116. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Matthews, W., Lankton, S., Lankton, C. (1993) An Ericksonian model of hypnotherapy, In E. Kirsch, S. Lynn, J. Rhue (Eds.) The handbook of clinical hypnosis, pp. 187-214. American Psychological Association Press.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C., & Matthews, W. (1991).  Ericksonian family therapy. In A. Gurman & D. Kniskern (Eds.),  The handbook of family therapy, Vol. 2, pp. 239-283. New York: Brunner Mazel.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C.  (1991). Climbing squaw peak with Stephen Lankton.  In H. Klippstein (Ed.), Ericksonian hypnotherapeutic group inductions, pp. 223-247.  New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C.  (1990). Systemic treatment of family members. Journal of Couples Therapy, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 77-87. Haworth Press.

Lankton, S. (1990).  Ericksonian - strategic therapy.  In J. Zeig and M. Munion (Eds.) What is psychotherapy: Contemporary perspectives, pp. 363-370. New York: Jossey-Bass.

Lankton, S. (1990).  Using hypnosis to motivate clients with a history of early family violence. In  S. Lankton & J. Zeig (Eds.).  Ericksonian monographs:  Number 6:  Ericksonian therapy verbatim, pp. 43-60. New York:  Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. (1989). Just do good therapy. In S. Gilligan & J. Zeig (Eds.), Brief therapy:  Myths, methods, and metaphors, pp. 62-77. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. (1988).  Ericksonian systemic approach. In S. Lankton & J. Zeig (Eds.), Developing Ericksonian psychotherapy, state of the  arts: Proceedings of the third international congress on Ericksonian approaches to psychotherapy, pp. 417-437. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. (1987).  The scramble technique. In S. Lankton (Ed.) The Ericksonian monographs, number 2: Themes and principles of Ericksonian therapy, 56-68.  New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. (1987).  Hypnotherapy today:  The Ericksonian influence.  In A. Dittrich and C. Scharfetter (Ed.) Ethnopsychotherapie, pp. 200-213. Stuttgart,  W. Germany:  Enke‑Verlag.

Lankton, S. (1987).  Hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In A. Stanway (Ed.) The natural family doctor, pp. 310-313.  London, England:  Gala Books Limited.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C.  (1987).  Self-Image thinking: Power secret, in Bottom line/personal, (8)  20, p. 9.  Box 1027, Millburn, NJ 07041. Oct. 30, 1987.

Lankton, S. (1987).  Papa don't preach, in The family therapy networker, March-April 1987, pp. 50-53. Washington, DC.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C., Brown, M. (1986).  Livello psicologico di comunicazione. Analisi Transazionale. Rivista Italiana de analisi transazionale e metodologie psicoterapeutiche, (VI) 10, pp. 38-56. Rome: Elengraf.

Lankton, S. (1986).  How can you decide which metaphors are right for a particular client.  In G. Edelstien, D. Araoz, & B. Zilbergeld (Eds.),  Questions and answers in the practice of hypnosis, pp. 261-267.  New York:  Norton and Co.

Lankton, S. (1985).  Multiple Embedded Metaphor and Diagnosis. In Jeffrey K. Zeig (Ed.) Ericksonian approaches psychotherapy, Vol. 1:  Structures, pp. 171-195. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.

Lankton, S. (1985). A states of consciousness model of Ericksonian hypnotherapy. In S. Lankton (Ed.) Ericksonian monographs number 1: Elements and dimensions of an Ericksonian approach, pp. 26-41.  New York:  Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. (1985). Klientenspezifische formulierung therapeutischer metaphern oder: Fur jeden klienten die richtige story.  In Hypnose und kognition, April 1985, pp. 54-62. Munichen: Steinbauer & Rau.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C.  (1985). Ericksonian styles of paradoxical therapy. In G. Weeks (Ed.) Promoting change through paradoxical therapy, pp. 134-186.   Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press.

Lankton, S. (1982).  The occurrence and use of trance phenomena in non‑hypnotic therapies. In J. K. Zeig (Ed.), Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and psychotherapy, pp. 132-143. New York:  Brunner/Mazel Publishers.

Lankton, S., Lankton, C., & Brown, M.  (1981). Psychological level communication in Transactional Analysis, Transactional analysis journal, 11(4), pp. 287-299. October, 1981. San Francisco: Transactional Analysis Press.

Lankton, S. (1980).  Experience chains: Change at a higher level. In J. Cassius (Ed.), Horizons in bioenergetics, pp. 56-73, Memphis: Promethean Publications.


Clinical Training Video Tapes and DVDs

Lankton, S. (2016).  Using Hypnosis in Brief Therapy: Clinical Demonstration 05, DV10 (DVD & MP3 Recording No. BT16-CD05-DVD-MPS). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2015).  Experiential Hypnosis: Clinical Demonstration 11, DV10 (DVD & MP3 Recording No. IC15-CD11-DVD). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2008). Using hypnosis in a brief therapy demonstration (DVD & MP3 Recording No. BT08-CD07-MP3). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2008).  Unlocking Inner Resources. (DVD 719-505). 2008 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium: Washington, DC.

Lankton, S. (2007).  Enchanting the Child and Honoring the Adult: Psychological Level Communication and the Language of Hypnotic Induction.  (AM07-0807. San Francisco, CA: International Transactional Analysis Association

Lankton, S. (2007). Advanced hypnosis course 02 (DVD & MP3 Recording No. IC07-AH02-MP3). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2007). Indirect suggestions & therapeutic binds in hypnosis: Workshop 27 (DVD & MP3 Recording No. IC07-WS26-MP3). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2007).  Fundamental hypnosis workshop 07 (DVD & MP3 Recording No. IC07-FHWS07-MP3). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2006). Introducing Hypnosis into Psychotherapy: Clinical Demonstration, DV10 (DVD & MP3 Recording No. BT06-DV10). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2004).  Introductory Techniques, (DVD & MP3 Recording No. IC04-FH1). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2003). Pain control in brief therapy (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1999). The joy of doing very little (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1998). Examining the resolution of anxiety and pain problems using hypnosis (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Zeig and Tucker Publishers, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1998). Brief therapy inside out: Ericksonian approaches using hypnosis (part 1 & 2) (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Zeig and Tucker Publishers, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1997).  Generalizing change for profound work in a single session (Videotape Recording).  Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1996). Brief therapy with hypnosis (Videotape Recording).  Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1995). Identifying the vital elements to change in a session using hypnosis. (Videotape Recording).  Munich, Germany: Milton H. Erickson Gesellschaft.

Lankton, S. (1995). Hypnosis (brief therapy) and pain control. (Videotape Recording). Munich, Germany: Milton H. Erickson Gesellschaft.

Lankton, S. (1994) Re-negotiating treatment contacts before and during hypnotherapy (Videotape Recording).  Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1993). Getting wheels in action in brief therapy (Videotape Recording).  Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1992). The role of association and dissociation in co-creating experience in therapy (Videotape Recording).  Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1988).  The use of hypnotherapy to motivate clients with a history of physical and sexual abuse (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1986).  Hypnosis and family therapy (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C., (1984) The Use of Multiple Embedded Metaphor for Psychological Reassociation (Video Recording). Phoenix, Arizona:  Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1983). Clinical use of trance phenomena for therapy and pain control (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C., (1982). Dual induction with dissociation (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (1981). Varieties of indirect suggestion (Videotape Recording). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.


Clinical Audio Tapes and CDs

Lankton, S. (2016).  Using Hypnosis in Brief Therapy: Clinical Demonstration 05,  (MP3 Recording No. BT16-MP3). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S., & Gilligan, S. (2016).  Creative Therapy Elicits and Requires Unique Experiences: Dialogue 1, (MP3 Recording No. BT16-D1). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2016).  To Experience Change You Have to Change Experience, WS14, (MP3 Recording No. BT16-WS3). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2016).  Self-Image Thinking and Tools of Intention, WS3, (MP3 Recording No. BT16-WS14). Phoenix, Arizona: Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

Lankton, S. (2008). Tools of intention: Strategies that inspire change: Eleven Fundamental Exercises. (Compact Disk Recording ISBN: 978-0-9823288-1-1). Williston, VT: Crown House Publications.

Lankton, S. (2008).  Moments with Milton:  Milton Erickson Panel. (280307-CD) American Society of Clinical Hypnosis: Bloomingdale, IL. 

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1987).  Advanced metaphor demonstrations: enchantment and intervention (Cassette Recording). New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1983). Treatment Planning and Delivery. In Ericksonian Hypnotherapy: The psychological sequelae of skin cancer (Cassette Recording). New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1983). The Case of Acute Hysterical Anxiety (Cassette Recording accompanying The Answer Within). New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc.

Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1982). Self‑image thinking program. . Transactional Analysis in Customer Treatment II. (Cassette Recording and 35mm-Slide Recording. Fort Worth, TX:  American Airlines Personnel Resources.


Corporate Chapters and Articles

Lankton, S. & Xerox Corporation. (1997-9). “Document Engineering Methodology.” Virginia: Xerox Corp.

Lankton, S., and Puterbaugh, K.  (1998). Document engineering knowledge white paper, In Go Inside, Retrieved Jan. 1998

Email Address
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Presentations/ teachings

Detailed Educational List

1973 ‑ 1974

Degree: MSW; Master of Social Work.

Specialization: Social Systems Approach to Treatment.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


1972 ‑ 1973

Michigan State University, East Lansing.

Major: Master of Social Work.


1970 ‑ 1972

Degree: BA; Bachelor of Arts.

Major (4): Psychology, Linguistics, Anthropology, and History

Certificates:  Secondary Teaching Certificate.

Michigan State University, East Lansing.


1966 ‑ 1968

Lansing Community College, Lansing, Michigan.


1965 ‑ 1966

Michigan State University, East Lansing.


Clinical Professional License and Affiliations


Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2005- 2020.

Fellow, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 2005-present.

Diplomate, American Hypnosis Board for Clinical Social Work, 1990-present.

Past-President, American Hypnosis Board for Clinical Social Work, 1997-2000.

Approved Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1993-present.

Certification in Clinical Hypnosis, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1993-present.

Secretary/Treasurer, American Hypnosis Board for Clinical Social Work, 1994-1997.

Member, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 1979‑present.

Member, American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, 1991- present.

Member, International Society of Hypnosis, 1979‑present.

Board Member at Large, American Hypnosis Board for Clinical Social Work, 1990-present

Executive Director, Phoenix Institute of Ericksonian Therapy, 2004-2009. 

President, Phoenix Society for Clinical Hypnosis, 2005-2006.

Member, Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1991-2002.


Social Work

Chair, Arizona State Board of Behavior Health Examiners, 2011-2013

Professional Member; Secetary/Treasurer, Arizona State Board of Behavior Health Examiners, Social Work Credentialing Committee, 2008-2015

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Arizona, #LCSW-10443, 2004-present.

Licensed Clinical Social Work, Michigan Dept. of Professional Regulation, 1974-2009, #6801002438.

Diplomate, American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work, ABECSW, #009769, 1988-present.

Diplomate in Clinical Social Work, National Association of Social Workers, NASW, 1978-, (Diplomate), #880786632, 1987-present.

Member, Academy of Certified Social Workers, ACSW, #880786632, 1976‑present.



Emeritus Clinical Member, International Transactional Analysis Association, 2017 to present.

Clinical Member, International Transactional Analysis Association, (now called “Certified Member”), 1975‑present

Fellow; Board Member, American Psychotherapy Association, 2008-2009.

Fellow, American Academy of Pain Management, #3696, 1991-2009.

Member, American Academy of Psychotherapists, 1983‑1985.


Family Therapy

Fellow, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, AAMFT, 1987‑2009.

Approved Supervisor, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, AAMFT, 1989-2007.

Clinical Member, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, AAMFT, 1980‑present.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Florida, #MT00121, 1982-2007.

Clinical Teaching Member, American Family Therapy Association, AFTA, 1987-2000.


Clinical Licenses Summarized

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Arizona, LCSW-10443, 2004 - present.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Florida, #MT 0121, 1982‑2008.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Arizona, #LCSW-10443, 2004-present.

Licensed Clinical Social Work, Michigan Dept. of Professional Regulation, #6801002438, 1974-2008.

Licensed Marriage Counselor, Michigan, (# 00687), 1979‑1995.

Authorized CEU Provider for PSY, MFT, MSW, and MHC Credits, from Florida Dept. of Professional Regulation, provider # BAP-11 1985-2009; and provider #PCE-16, 1985-2010.

Editor and Editorial Review Board Positions

Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2005- 2020.

Editor-in-Chief, Ericksonian Monographs. An official publication of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, 1983-1994.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Brief Therapy, 2002-present.

Editorial Review Board, Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 2005- present.

Editorial Review Board, Hypnose und Kognition, Milton Erickson  Gesellschaft fur Klinische Hypnose, Munich, Germany, 1984-1997.

Editorial Review Board, Phoenix, Revue de Therapeutique et D'Hypnose Ericksoniennes. Paris, France, 1988-2000.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapy, 1984-1991.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Brief Therapy, 2002-2005.


Appointments, Awards, and Similar Actions

Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2005- 2020.

Editor-in-Chief, Ericksonian Monographs. An official publication of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, 1983-1994.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Brief Therapy, 2002-present.

Editorial Review Board, Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 2005- present.

Editorial Review Board, Hypnose und Kognition, Milton Erickson  Gesellschaft fur Klinische Hypnose, Munich, Germany, 1984-1997.

Editorial Review Board, Phoenix, Revue de Therapeutique et D'Hypnose Ericksoniennes. Paris, France, 1988-2000.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapy, 1984-1991.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Brief Therapy, 2002-2005.