Studied dentistry in Tübingen (exam 1975), majoring in dental technology, gnathology and psychosomatics.. Four years as head of the pre-clinic in Tübingen, research and further education in the field of CMD and wax-up technique. Since 1979 own dental practice in Stuttgart. Start of hypnosis activities in 1980 in the field of CMD, first seminar in 1982. Since then more than 1000 seminars and lectures on medical hypnosis at DGÄHAT, DGH, MEG and DGZH. 45 television programs on the subject of dental hypnosis, plus numerous publications and four books. CDs about hypnosis published by Hypnos Verlag. Founder and president of the German Society of Dental Hypnosis DGZH until 2012. Trainer and supervisor DGZH. Former board member of MEG, ISH, and ESH. Honorary member of DGZH and MEG, MEG Milton Erickson Award 2011, Kay Thompson Award Dental Hypnosis of ISH 2009, Friendship Award of ESH 2008. Lecturer at University Tübingen (15 years), Lectures on medical hypnosis at universities in Kiel, Hamburg, Hanover, Aachen, Göttingen, Ulm, Dresden, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, Heidelberg, Freiburg, Regensburg, Würzburg, Munich, and at numerous other international universities. Starting and supervising research work for the scientific recognition of hypnosis in medicine. Additionally: Training as a Gestalt therapist by Toni Horn (1973-1982)
Main areas of work:
Gnathology, periodontology, rehabilitation of difficult cases, advanced training and publications (gnathology, wax-up technique, hypnosis)
Combination of psychological and dental treatment methods.
German Society for Dental Hypnosis, DGZH e.V. (Founder and President of the DGZH from 1994 - 2012)
Working Group Psychosomatics in the DGZMK AKPP
Milton Erickson Society for Clinical Hypnosis, M.E.G.
Instructor and Supervisor of DGZH and M.E.G.
International Society of Hypnosis, ISH
European Society of Hypnosis, ESH
Diplomat of the American Board of Hypnosis in Dentistry, A.B.H.D.
Scientific Advisory Board of the German Hypnosis Societies
Speaker for hypnosis at several universities