Clinical Psychologist (University of Münster, WWU)
Mathematics and Sport (state examination Westf.-Wilhelms- Universität Münster)
Ski instructor for 40 years
Moderator of medical quality circles (Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, KVWL)
Training Manager, Supervisor, Teaching Therapist L!fT® Institute, Berlin/Münster for Psychotherapy, Coaching, Management and Organisational Consulting, Personnel Development
Lecturer at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (training psychotherapy)
Training manager for "constructive communication according to Karl-Josef Sittig"®
Lecturer and Supervisor for Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (German Society for Hypnosis), MEG, MEGA, DGZH, GHYPS Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia, Nepal, Switzerland, Poland, USA
Visiting- Psychodrama- Director at Moreno- Institute Beacon New York and Psychodrama- Institute California- West for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, Certified EDxTM-Practicioner
EMDR Supervisor, Facilitator, Therapist (EMDRIA- europe)
Training and further education in behavioural therapy, conversational psychotherapy, rebirthing, family therapy, meditation, NLP, EMDR, EP, Gestalt therapy, psychodrama...
Practice for Psychotraumatology in Münster and Berlin
over 40 years of experience in individual, couple and group therapy, marriage and education counselling, diagnostics, supervision,