Lars-Eric Uneståhl, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, Professor in Applied Psychology and Mental Training and President for Scandinavian International University
Lars-Eric Uneståhl, Ph.D. is living in Sweden but with activities (like working with Olympic and National sports) in many countries around the world. He organized the VI International Congress in Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine in Uppsala 1973 (ISH) and have been a President for six other world congresses ( in Sport Psychology (Copenhagen 1985), Mental Training (Örebro1991 and St Petersburg 2003), Excellence in Sport and Life (Beijing 2008 and Kosovo 2011). He is also a board member for the International Coaching Community. He has written many research articles and 21 books, of which one received Arthur Shapiros price for the best book about hypnosis. His mental training programs has been used by more than 25% of the Swedish population and have been translated to many languages.